(August 08)

Robert Beltran and Michael Westmore (creating Chakotay's tattoo)

Michael Dorn (Worf - TNG)

Dame Joan Collins (Edith Keeler - TOS)

William Shatner (Capt. James T Kirk - TOS)

Terry Farrell (Jadzia Dax - DS9)
I must say that I love photographing Terry, she is so expressive!!

The 20th Anniversary of Voyager: (seated left to right) Robert Beltran (Chakotay), Garrett Wang (Harry Kim),
Ethan Phillips (Neelix), Jeri Ryan (7 of 9), Kate Mulgrew (Kathryn Janeway), Roxann Dawson (B'Elanna Torres),
Robert Picardo (The Doctor), Tim Russ (Tuvok) and Robert Duncan McNeill (Tom Paris)

Neveda Pops: Conductor Richard McGee, Guest Conductor Dennis McCarthy and Singer James Darren

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RhondaD Photography