(August 09)

Myself and my friend Chuck, we are in the Borg regeneration chambers.

John de Lancie (Q - TNG)

George Takei (Hikaru Sulu - TOS)

Sir Patrick Stewart (Jean-Luc Picard - TNG)

TNG: Jonathan Frakes (William Riker), LeVar Burton (Geordi La Forge) & Brent Spiner (Data)
At the beginning of their panel, Patrick Stewart was signing autographs off to the right of the stage,
so the guys started to give him grief, so he came up on stage to say "Hi" to them.

The Rat Pack: Armin Shimerman, Jeffrey Combs, Max Grodenchik, Casey Biggs,
Vaughn Armstrong and Bill Pershall (Keyboards)

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RhondaD Photography